Asked & Answered

List of applicants for a public entity’s general manager

List of applicants for a public entity’s general manager Q: A municipal water district hired a new general manager. A board member told me they had “about 20” applicants, and the list would be reduced to a few who would be interviewed. Are names of all who applied open to the public? Are names of those on the short list who were interviewed open to the public? A: No court has yet addressed the issue

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School employee discipline and hiring records

School employee discipline and hiring records Q: We have two issues involving public records access: We requested records, including e-mails and memos, from the school district that discuss possible discipline of the financial services director. The district turned down the request. 2. We’d like to know if it is possible to find out why a city finance director was fired recently. Are those personnel records protected by a constitutional or statutory right to privacy or

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Access to case exhibit

Access to case exhibit Q: I have a case in the Court of Appeal. My attorney needed a copy from the case file. I went to court and asked for a copy of exhibit 3. The clerk denied my request. I told my attorney this and he sent a local to obtain exhibit 3. She too was denied access or a copy of the public record. I believe since I am the first person to

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A&A: Police dispatch calls

Q: I am reporting a story on law enforcement agencies encoding police dispatch calls and rendering useless police scanners used by the press and broadcast reporters. Has this issue surfaced in other counties or states? Has it been tested in court? Is there a basis to challenge it in court? A: It wouldn’t appear that you have any basis for challenging this under California law. The public records act only covers writings, not oral communications.

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Accessing juvenile court records

Accessing juvenile court records Q: I need to find a law to access juvenile court records. Could you help me? A: Generally speaking, juvenile court records are confidential except as to certain law enforcement and court personnel, or the parents and guardian of the minor. Other persons can get access to documents only with permission of the court. You would have to file a petition to do this. You haven’t disclosed your relationship to the

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