Asked & Answered

A&A: How Do I Request 911 Call Transcripts?

Q: I have requested a transcript of the call to the California Highway Patrol officer that came from the 911 service and dispatched the CHP officer to the accident location. How can I obtain this record? A: Records of 911 calls are public records under the California Public Records Act and, therefore, must be disclosed unless a specific exemption to disclosure applies.  If you made a written request, the agency must determine whether the records

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A&A: Is it a First Amendment violation when Twitter Suspends My Account for “Hate Speech”

Q: I’ve had a Twitter account for at least five years. My account was suspended recently for supposed “hate” speech, and has now been permanently closed. I appealed the decision without success. While I have written sharply worded tweets, I deny that any of them were “hate” speech, and in general believe that it’s a subjective question anyway. I’m a frequent critic of Israel, and I think my tweets on that score were probably the

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A&A: City Delays Responding to Records Requests Until It’s Too Late To Use the Information Requested

Q: I sent three public records requests to the a city in California. On the same day, the City provided confirmation of receipt of those requests. During the next 43 days, I received several emails from the City stating “Pursuant to Government Code § 6253.c(2)” they need more time to “respond.” I finally sent another email to the City demanding a response. After 45 days, the City responded to one of the three requests I

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A&A: Help Needed In Requesting Documents from California Coastal Commission

Q: I need to access documents from the California Coastal Commission in an appeal, including information regarding upload logs of documents to their website, all interagency correspondences with Coastal regarding our project, any announcements of the hearing, and all communications between the Commission and any parties regarding our project but most important, correspondence between staff and a specific developer. Please advise. A: Under the California Public Records Act (CPRA), public records—which include “any writing containing

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A&A: Does “Deliberative Process Privilege” Allow California governor to Withhold Communications Relating to Voter-Mandated Study?

Q: I submitted a California Public Records Act request to the California Department of Public Health, Bureau of Cannabis Control (BCC), Gov. Newsom, CA Department of Tax and Fee Administration and Attorney General Xavier Becerra regarding the voter mandated nonprofit feasibility study required by the text of CA Prop 64. I received a response from all agencies, except the BCC stated the department needed 60 days to produce the records they were in possession of.

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