Asked & Answered

Child Custody Case and Family Court Services

Child Custody Case and Family Court Services Q: This involves a custody case in which I and my husband are the grandparents. I have raised the child since birth and until recent rulings shared legal custody with our son and the child’s mother. I have read the Q&A on access to CPS records. I would also like to access records from Family Court Services interviews. I would like to have the records for everyone who

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Accessing Juvenile Court Records

Accessing Juvenile Court Records Q: Are state appeal briefs filed by the parties a public record when the case stems from juvenile court? A: Rule of Court 8.400, which applies to appeals in both dependency and delinquency proceedings under the Welfare and Institutions Code, provides for the confidentiality of the record on appeal and documents filed by the parties.  Under subsection (b)(1) of that rule, such documents “may be inspected only by the reviewing court

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Corporate Licenses

Corporate Licenses Q: I am dealing with a building contractor in California. I have made several requests as to where the corporations licenses are posted for public review and the hours. The corporation refuses to respond. Any suggestions? A: Under the California Public Records Act, Govt. Code section 6250 et seq., records in the possession of state or local public agencies are presumed public unless an exemption to disclosure applies.  Although a corporation is not

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Preliminary Data from FEMA as Requested by the City

Preliminary Data from FEMA as Requested by the City Q: I have requested “preliminary” flood mapping data from FEMA for the city. The FEMA Consultant has responded that the data are preliminary, therefore, they are not required to release it to the public. However, the city is using the preliminary flood data to dictate development standards. The city requires developers to conduct their own flood studies since the FEMA information is only draft or preliminary. If

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Local Agencies’ Request for Qualifications Bids

Local Agencies’ Request for Qualifications Bids Q: What are the legal requirements for Request for Qualifications Bids/responses to be available for the public to review? Can we use legislation in the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) to obtain developers’ responses to an RFQ? The agency is a local government redevelopment agency that has put out an RFQ to developers for the development of the old Army Base. A: Because the Redevelopment Agency is a local

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