Asked & Answered

Employee Information and the CPRA

Employee Information and the CPRA Q: I am curious about the relation between the CPRA and the release of CA State employees’ exact department, classification, and salary information.  I am not a state worker although I work in a state agency and have two close family members who are state employees.  This week it was brought to our attention that a website ( hosted a list of every state employee, their dept. and title, and

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Community College Senate, Listservs, and Public Record

Community College Senate, Listservs, and Public Record Q: This question refers to the Academic/Faculty Senate of a small California Community College. Should the listserv, described below, be made public, and all archived messages placed in a publicly accessible location?  Or should the listserv be immediately discontinued?  Or should anyone be allowed to subscribe and post? Or do the faculty have the right to privacy in these issues? There is a “listserv” among the faculty that

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Request Denials, No Documentation

Request Denials, No Documentation Q: Can our City Clerk deny us information because he/she “has no documentation” regarding a municipal action being taken that may require a primary legal action? Our Economic Development Director is hiring a consultant to counter a member of the public’s nomination of a building to the State Historic Resource Register and I was told that verbally. However, when I ask about it officially, I get the answer from the Clerk

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Copies of Tapes for Public Record Requests

Copies of Tapes for Public Record Requests Q: Re: CPRA request for audio taped record of open meeting: I have submitted a request for copies of tapes made of 3 open Hospital Board meetings, held within 3 weeks of each other. I submitted the request well before 30 days had passed from the first meeting, and before the minutes had been transcribed or approved by the Board (in fact, the minutes have not yet been

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City Employee Information and Privacy

City Employee Information and Privacy Q: The human resources director in our city says the city has a policy requiring written consent from any past employee before releasing information about the individual’s employment there, including dates of employment. My questions: 1. Is this a permissible policy under state public records law and 2. Can I request a former policeman’s personnel file from the city? A: To take your second question first, under something called the

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