Asked & Answered

Dairy Plant Inspection Records

Dairy Plant Inspection Records Q: I would like to see inspection records of dairy plants through the CA Dept of Food and Agriculture.  However, I’ve been told by the state office and regional office that I CANNOT FOIA these records.  I understand that some info may be exempted, but I think I should be allowed to see at least some parts of the records. Has your organization had any experience in requesting such records?  If

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Court Employee Anonymity

Court Employee Anonymity Q: The courts here operate with anonymity as to the identities of the employees therein, which appears to be an illegal circumstance.  Employees of the courts will sometimes inform the public their first names, and only the initials of their last names, but otherwise such simple information is treated as a secret.  Nobody has a name plate or business card, as far as the public is concerned. “Richard G.” is all the

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CFAC v. Santa Clara

CFAC v. Santa Clara Q: Has there been any appellate court ruling in CFAC v. Santa Clara County? I’m very curious about the Critical Infrastructure Information issue that the County raised in the trial court, having just had my California Public Records Act request to another agency denied on similar grounds. A: The CFAC v. Santa Clara County case is still pending before the court of appeals.  The court will likely not issue a ruling

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Suspension and Expulsion Records

Suspension and Expulsion Records Q: Can I request the suspension and expulsion records for a school district  for, say the previous three years? I do not wish to obtain any personal information (“directory information”) on the student, but rather to compare suspension and expulsion records between students. A: The law regarding disclosure of student disciplinary records has engendered some controversy in past years, including with respect to whether the federal FERPA (Family Education Rights and

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Charging for Electronic Records

Charging for Electronic Records Q: A local hospital district claims it is “required” to charge me for access to inspect records that they claim are only available in electronic form.  They have demanded a deposit of hundreds of dollars and my agreement to pay them whatever they determine the actual cost to be.  When you consider that more and more government agencies, like businesses, are going paperless, this will become a major problem unless it’s

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