Asked & Answered

Information on Running for City Clerk

Information on Running for City Clerk Q: My wife and I are trying to gather information on running for City Clerk in our town. She did a Public Records Request and wrote: “I would like to request when term is up for City Clerk elected position and all city laws that apply to run for City Clerk elected position.” The city attorney responded back saying: The City will not be complying with your records request

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University of California Collections

University of California Collections Q: I’m trying to gain viewing and copying access of an archive at UCLA Special Collections that until last week has been available to the public. It is a collection of materials from a research study funded by the NIMH in the 1970s, of a single subject who is now an incompetent adult, protected confidentially by the Dept. of Developmental Services. The legal dept at UCLA insists that while they have

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County’s Technical Review

County’s Technical Review Q: We recently made a Public Record Request for documents relating to the County’s General Plan technical review and technical fix. The request was denied because: “…this draft is still undergoing internal staff and legal review. For that reason, the County is not able to produce the draft, or any memoranda or correspondence relating to it, as those records would be exempt from production under Government Code Section 6254(h). The records would

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Developments on Public Lands

Developments on Public Lands Q: A developer is building or redeveloping 32 (of 36 buildings) towering buildings (8 to 14 stories tall each) in our town without adding streets, freeways or adequate city services. This is against our MASTER PLAN.  Buildings include private residence towers (for people from outside the town) on the last of our public land, now zoned for education. No one knows about this, residents are not being given public records when

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Filing Complaint under State Audits Guidelines

Filing Complaint under State Audits Guidelines Q: In accordance with the guidelines on the CA. Board of State Audits web page (, I filed a complaint online concerning the improper use of outside contractors. I have requested various documents under the California Public Records Act in support of this complain. To date, I’ve only received a copy of the contractor agreement describing the scope of work, term of agreement, and related items. One of the

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