Asked & Answered

DUI Incidences and Media Reporting

DUI Incidences and Media Reporting Q: I would like to know if DUI arrest complaints, that would cause harm to the DUI alleged offender (financial, career, personal, threat of personal harm (because of statements they made during an arrest while intoxicated) can legally be published by the media. I would like to know if the publication of the records resulted in revelations of alcoholism, and or other personal problems that would result in financial, personal,

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Changing search warrant policy

Changing search warrant policy Q: A criminal superior court has a new search warrant policy where the affiants or other law enforcement officer who is filing the search warrant redacts information from the warrant in order to reduce the work of the exhausted and overworked court clerks. Items redacted include vehicles searched, addresses searched, and persons being searched.  The clerk’s office has the redacted files for viewing. A: Although your email does not pose a

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Recording a person without their knowledge

Recording a person without their knowledge Q: We wish to record a speaker and would rather not alert the him that he is being videotaped and/or audiotaped.  He is more likely to make more derogatory comments if he is unaware.  In your opinion, are we breaking any laws or causing problems for using the audio and/or videotapes to prove our case to the City Attorneys involved or in court later if we do not request

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A&A: Political speech in the workplace

Q: The company I work for wants me to remove a bumper sticker(“fuck bush”) from my car. I was told that my car will be towed from the employee lot if I do not and may and can lead to job termination. Do they have the right to do so? A: Although the First Amendment limits the restrictions that government employers can place on employee speech, private employers have much greater latitude to restrict employee

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A&A: Regulating teacher speech

Q: I am a public school teacher.  Our individual school site has an “all staff” conference whereby all staff member may post material.  My school is committed to bilingual education, Hispanic culture, etc.  I posted some articles on how poorly bilingual education performs compared to immersion, etc. that does not conform to the party line.  The principal has directed me, and only me, out of 100+ teachers to submit to him anything before I post

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