Asked & Answered

A&A: Public Comment on Public Contracts

Q: There is a case (which was cited by one of my City’s Attorneys) wherein negotiation of a public proposal (in my case a city-owned building to be sold and developed by a private developer–AND it is an official state historic resource) does not have to be revealed until the negotiations are complete, and if I read correctly there is time before the actual AWARD of the contract and the negotiation. Do you know what

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A&A: Posting Links on Neighborhood Council Websites

Posting Links on Neighborhood Council Websites Q: My issue is in the stakeholder councils”, i.e. “neighborhood councils” (see for background). I have attempted to post some informational links on the Neighborhood Council website to offer factual information about redevelopment, stakeholder councils along with the other links they have there, e.g. political party meetings, neighborhood organizations, and “helpful” city agencies but have refused to add my requested links. ( and ( Both links are NON-PARTISAN…both

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A&A: Public Filming of TV Show

Public Filming of TV Show Q: There was a film crew in my city filming a popular TV show in a restaurant and sidewalk in front of the restaurant.  I took some pictures from the public sidewalk across the street.  None of my pictures were for anything but for my personal use–not commercial in any way.  One crew member said just not to use a flash.  Then 20 minutes later, another supposed crew person said

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A&A: Posting in City Sponsored Spaces

Posting in City Sponsored Spaces Q: I would like to know if cities which maintain bulletin boards, kiosks and other posting places may regulate the content of what is posted and if there is any requirement that these tax supported facilities be available to all? Our city regulates the contents of posting but the only requirement written down is “it must be of general community interest”. Who decides is not specified and what are the

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A&A: Recording at a Board and Care Facility without Permission

Recording at a Board and Care Facility without Permission Q: My mother lives in a board and care facility.  I have power of attorney.  She is mentally capable, but is diagnosed bi-polar and is experiencing beginning stages of dementia.  She has a private room.  The facility receives funds from CEI for my Mom’s B&C.- a Medicare/Medicaid managed program. May I legally use video camera/audio equipment in the room where my Mom resides?  Either with their

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