Asked & Answered

A&A: Is banning R-rated films from classroom censorship?

Q: For approximately 20 years our school district has allowed rated R films to be shown, with parent permission. Furthermore, for approximately 15 years, our district has offered a Film and Literature class, which has featured numerous R-rated films. Pursuant to this policy, the district has approved this curriculum and has also purchased R-rated films to be shown in the class. Recently, despite there being no objections from students or parents, the district has put

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A&A: Where can I legally hand out flyers for my non-profit?

Q: I cannot find the answer to this legal question anywhere, or if I found something similar, the question is about a religious group or a signature gatherer for political purposes which might have an exemption or an inherent right to be soliciting. I work for a 501c3 part time and I would like to hand out flyers for our nonprofit. I would not be accepting any money, but rather talking to people at shopping

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A&A: City rules complaintant names are always withheld

Q: I have requested the name of a complainant against me in a Building Code Enforcement case. There have been anonymous harassment events in my neighborhood that the complaint may be linked to. The agency declined to release the name, citing the 6255 catch-all provision in the city regulation that says the public interest clearly outweighs the release of complainant names in all cases (City of San Jose v. Superior Ct. 74 Cal.App.4th 1008). I

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A&A:What rules apply to searching DMV database?

Q: I’m divorcing a law enforcement officer, who has taken abuse of power to a whole new level and no one seems to care. What are the laws regarding license plate queries? My Ex, or his buddies, “ran” all of my friends and family through CLETS in order to gather information. When I contacted the DMV and filed a formal complaint, I was told it was a “family court issue.” Also, I recently requested documents

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A&A: My statement was inaccurately depicted in published minutes

Q: I recently read statement at the school board meeting. When the minutes were made available my statements were mischaracterized. What are my rights regarding my statements recorded as factual? Should I send a “cure and correct notice” asking for my statements to be recorded correctly? I see the recording of my statements as removing key points regarding problems I see in the management by the district and not the “school.” You raise an interesting

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