Asked & Answered

A&A: Brown Act or Bylaws Violation?

Q: If a standing committee’s bylaws stipulate that two meetings will occur in a certain period of time, and there is no quorum present for one of the two meetings, is the committee obligated to schedule another meeting to remain Brown Act compliant? A: This might be an overly technical response, but I’m not sure violating a committee’s own bylaws by failing to hold the specified number of meetings would be a Brown Act violation.

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A&A: Are Special Districts covered by Brown Act, CPRA?

Q: I’m trying to track down the California law that authorizes special districts. It almost seems as if once in place and appointed, the dependent districts fall off the radar and don’t want to be known about or have their actions/inactions challenged. The one I’m battling seems to have never heard of the Brown Act or the California Public Records Act, to name just two. A: My review of the Government Code shows that there

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A&A: Arrested for using “colorful” language at city council meeting

Q: I was just arrested  for saying the word “pussies” (referring to the lack of courage) at a city council podium, after of course signing up and being called up to speak. They have since added three other charges, four total, based on my use of “colorful” language at other city council meetings. I’ve already tried an exparte injunction against the city but the response has been  “you better not go to these meetings until

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A&A: Water Board repeatedly violates Brown Act

Q: I recently attended a meeting of a publicly-elected Water Board. There were three Brown Act violations during the meeting. One of the violations was attempted and the attorney for the Board interrupted the Board and informed them that they were in violation of the Brown Act. Subsequently, this same Board held an opening of a facility. They did not put the meeting on the calendar of the Board. Nor did they post a Board

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A&A: Who is allowed to sit in on closed sessions regarding hiring?

Q: Is a Current County CEO appointed by a Board of Supervisors allowed to sit in on the closed door meeting of interviewing new CEO candidates when 3 of the 6 inside candidates from the County work in the CEO’S Office. While this may be legal it is very troublesome because of power the current CEO wields with the Board of Supervisors. She may want her anointed one. Is there Brown Act laws which would

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