Asked & Answered

A&A: The CPRA and privately owned utilities companies

Q: Does the CA Public Records Act apply to a public, stockholder-owned company regulated by the California Public Utilities Commission? A: Whether or not records retained by the water company are covered by the Public Records Act depends on whether the company fits within the Act’s definition of “state or local agency.” A “state agency” is defined as “every state office, officer, department, division, bureau, board, and commission or other state body or agency, except

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A&A: How to file a Brown Act complaint

A: The City Planning Commission considered an item not on the agenda, discussed it, and voted to deny it. I want to file a complaint. Where can I find what to do, the timeline, and a sample complaint? Q: If you feel that the Brown Act was violated, the first step would be to send a letter to the planning commission demanding that it cure or correct the action taken in violation of the Brown

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A&A: Meeting minutes reveal personal ID information

A: The City Council requires members of the public to state their names and addresses before making public comment. I did so at a recent meeting. In the minutes of that meeting my comments were edited, and my private information (address) was published. I did not sign anything nor did I give anyone a verbal ok to use that information. As a retired peace officer I am concerned about my right to privacy being violated.

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A&A: The author of requested emails assigned to fulfill PRA request

Q: I requested information regarding communications of someone who works directly for our County and also is on our City Council. The County Administrator gave her the PRA request and is allowing her to fulfill it herself. Is this legal? I requested emails to a certain person from her. A: The Public Records Act does not, as far as I can tell, specify who at a particular agency is required to oversee the fulfillment of

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A&A: What’s meant by “electronic form” documents under the CPRA?

Q: I requested a copy of the CA Jobs Bill Fund Report from my local school district. I received an oversimplified copy of the report so I asked for the website address for the complete report. I was told the website was password protected and therefore I was not granted access.  Would a document with restricted access be considered an “electronic form” if they printed it from a website that I cannot access and it

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