Asked & Answered

A&A: School district claims too busy to fulfill document request

Q: I have made numerous attempts to view board meeting minutes, a contract with a specific vendor, payment documents to that vendor, and the names of the other bidders who were not selected for the position at the School District offices. Each time they sent me away saying that they were too busy to get the documents for me, and I would have to send them a written request, which I did. Even so, they

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A&A: How to access Health & Safety building layout plans

Q: I need copies of site plans and store layout plans for evidence in a Planning Commission Appeal. I am aware of Health & Safety Code Section 19851 requiring permission from an architect. However, how does the Records Act affect 19851. Is my assumption that the City needs to disclose emails on specific subjects correct? A: It sounds like you know that California’s Health and Safety Code requires city and county building departments to maintain

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A&A: Are the applications for state professional licenses public?

Q: I am a researcher for a state government agency.  For a current project, I hoped to access the applications for state professional licenses submitted by engineers. I say the records are public. Our lawyer said no.  Help! A: Under the Public Records Act, public records — which include “any writing containing information relating to the conduct of the public’s business prepared, owned, used, or retained by any state or local agency regardless of physical

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A&A: State college employees using work email for political campaigning

Q: A member of the staff of a state college used his work email address for over two years to conduct a political campaign. County Counsel is both refusing to act on this matter, and claims there was no inappropriate use of a public email. He talks about door hangers, calling up talk shows, and the county counsel claims as long as he is advocating a position, just talking about campaigning it is ok. I

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A&A: Park & Rec “advisory committee” keeping its advice secret

Q: 1. Can the (recently appointed) president of a Park and Recreation board form a “Management Committee” without approval of the full Board when one of the (two) members of said Committee is a public member? 2. This “Committee” met with representatives of several public and possibly private (non-profit) organizations without publically reporting who they met with, when, or the topic of discussion. We do know they met with an individual associated with an individual

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