Asked & Answered

A&A: Agency’s proposed fees for producing electronic records–$2,000!

Q: I received a cost breakdown from a California state agency, which proposes to charge me more than $2,000 to produce what is essentially a list of names. Much of the cost involves redaction. Initially, the cost was presented to me as “programming costs,” which are allowed for electronic records, but their cost breakdown covers mostly staff time for a massive redaction effort. Could I  get advice on whether they are abiding by the Public

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A&A: Can I file a lawsuit anonymously in California?

Q: I am trying to proceed (pro se) anonymously in a lawsuit that is going to take place in a foreign state. Were the state more familiar to me, or were I to make usage of the Federal court, this would be a bit easier. However, I will be filing in CA. What I want to know is if you know the location of any ”example motions.” Specifically, I wanted to ”motion to proceed anonymously.”

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A&A: Same fees assessed for electronic data as photocopies

Q: I’m trying to obtain the school district’s 2010 spending records in digital form, but the USD’s General Counsel is asking for 25 cents per page to send the digital information to us. They’ve explained that this is based on the usual fee rate for pages that are photocopied, but as we aren’t asking for any physical copies this rate seems inappropriate. I’ve looked at California’s FOI laws and I don’t think the 25 cents

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A&A: Access to sheriff’s e-mail and phone records

Q: Our new sheriff is using his personal cell phone and personal e-mail for conducting county business. He rarely uses his county-issued phone or his official county e-mail address to respond to citizens,  instead public inquiries will be answered via his private e-mail. I believe there is some other activity going on as well, including leaking personnel file details about deputies and staff who disagree with him to a guy running a character assassination blog

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