Asked & Answered

A&A: Is it legal to sell public records for profit?

Q: Can a person request records under the CA Public Records Act and then make money off of the re-distribution of these records? For example, can the records be put on a website that has advertising or can the records be outright sold? Clearly people could still request the records directly from the agency if they wished to avoid the profit-seeking website. A: As a general matter, the Public Records act is requestor-neutral. That is,

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A&A: Parents not invited to meeting that resulted in removing their autistic student from public school

Q: A group of parents circulated a petition to remove my autistic son from a public school. They submitted this petition to a Board of Education member. There were a series of email exchanges between the parents and Board member. At the parents’ email requests, the Board Member arranged a meeting with himself, the Superintendent, and a large group of parents in a forum at the school district’s office to discuss my son, and behaviors

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A&A: City gone wild with continual Brown Act and CPRA violations

Q: At last night’s city council meeting one city councilperson was censored by having his microphone turned off in the middle of his public comments. He was talking about how the city has lost millions [like the city of Bell] and given away millions more as favors to certain council and city staff friends. Actions are being taken by the city manager to sue this same outspoken city councilman over his asking questions about contract

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A&A: As a retired public employee, can I access my payroll records using the CPRA?

Q:  I am a retired public employee and I’m being taken to small claims for an alleged overpayment that supposedly happened in 2008. I need to try to get copies of my payroll for 2008. If those are still around, can I access those? How would I do it? A: The California Public Records Act, Cal. Govt.. Code sections 6250 et seq., provides that all records of state and local agencies be open to the

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A&A: Does the Brown Act address how long a board member can be absent from meetings?

Q: One of our District Board members has been out of the district for several months.  She has been participating in Board meetings by telephone from Alabama where she is seeking medical attention, but she is not in the district to serve in any way other than these monthly meetings by telephone. How long can this go on and still qualify to be on the Board? A: The Brown Act, at Government Code section 54953(b),

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