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Asked and Answered

Names of Grand Jury Sub-Committee Members

June 14, 2009


Are the names of grand jury sub-committee members secret?


California Penal Code Section 924.2 provides that “[e]ach grand juror shall keep secret whatever he himself or any other grand juror has said, or in what manner he or any other grand juror has voted on a matter before them,” but I am not aware of a general rule or statute providing that the names of a grand jury subcommittee are secret.  With respect to federal courts, Rule of Criminal Procedure 6(e)(2)(A) provides that “[n]o obligation of secrecy may be imposed on any person except in accordance with Rule 6(e)(2)(B), which provides that the following persons must not disclose a matter occurring before the grand jury:
(i) a grand juror;
(ii) an interpreter;
(iii) a court reporter;
(iv) an operator of a recording device;
(v) a person who transcribes recorded testimony;
(vi) an attorney for the government; or
(vii) a person to whom disclosure is made under [other parts of the Rule].

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