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Asked and Answered

How Do I Address Agency’s Failure to Honor Brown Act Meeting Notification Deadlines?

September 26, 2021


The airport commission in our municipality has only given 25 hours notice of the time and location change for their next meeting. This commission is notorious for posting meeting agendas at the last minute and scheduling meetings that are not convenient for residents to attend. Is the airport commission in violation of the Brown Act since they provided only 25-hour notice to change meeting location and time?


In general, California’s open meeting law, known as the Brown Act, requires that regular meetings be noticed by posting an agenda for the meeting at least 72 hours in advance. Gov’t Code § 54954.2(a). Regular meetings are defined, circuitously, as meetings “for which an agenda is posted at least 72 hours in advance of the meeting.” Gov’t Code § 54954(a). Special meetings, which are those not held at a regularly scheduled time or place and are not for the purposes of addressing an emergency, must only be noticed 24 hours in advance. Gov’t Code § 54956.

We cannot provide specific legal advice regarding whether a violation of the Brown Act occurred. Based on the information you provided, the meeting you describe may have been a “regular meeting” and thus required 72 hours’ notice. This is even more likely if the agenda for the original time and place remained unchanged for the new time and place.

If you determine that a violation has occurred, you may choose to seek enforcement of the Brown Act. The District Attorney or “any interested person” can file a lawsuit to enforce the provisions of the Brown Act. You may wish to first bring your concerns to the District Attorney’s attention. If you wish to pursue an enforcement action yourself, you have three options to enforce the Act:

(1) A lawsuit over an alleged previous violation of the Brown Act;

(2) A lawsuit to contest or enjoin ongoing or future actions in alleged violation of the Brown Act; and

(3) A lawsuit to void an action taken by a government entity in alleged violation of the Brown Act.

With respect to option 1, persons alleging a past violation of the Brown Act and seeking to bar further violations – as opposed to seeking to invalidate a specific government decision or action – must first attempt to resolve the matter through an elaborate settlement procedure set forth in Cal. Gov. Code § 54960.2.The deadlines for filing a cease and desist letter with the government entity, as well as the government’s obligations in responding to such a complaint, are set forth in this code section.

With respect to option 2, barring an ongoing or future action, Cal. Gov. Code § 54960(a) provides that “any interested person may commence an action by mandamus, injunction, or declaratory relief for the purpose of stopping or preventing violations or threatened violations of this chapter … or to determine the applicability of this chapter to ongoing actions or threatened future actions … of the legislative body.” Since lawsuits seeking injunctive relief against future actions usually are based on evidence of past violations, most cases involving prospective relief will be brought under Cal. Gov. Code § 54960.2.

With respect to option 3, bringing suit to void a specific past action, Cal. Gov. Code § 54960.1 provides the mechanism for bringing such a challenge, which includes a demand to the Board that it “cure and correct” the violation before filing a lawsuit. If action was taken based on improper procedure, the way to remedy the violation would typically be to send the legislative body a demand that it cure or correct the action taken in violation of the Brown Act. “The demand shall be in writing and clearly describe the challenged action of the legislative body and nature of the alleged violation,” and must usually be made within 90 days of the action if in closed session, or within 30 days if the action was taken in open session. Cal. Gov. Code § 54960.1.

For additional information regarding Brown Act requirements and enforcement, you can reference and download the First Amendment Coalition’sBrown Act Primer.

Bryan Cave Leighton Paisner LLP is general counsel for the First Amendment Coalition and responds to FAC hotline inquiries. In responding to these inquiries, we can give general information regarding open government and speech issues but cannot provide specific legal advice or representation.

Asked & Answered posts should not be relied on as legal advice, and FAC makes no guarantees about their completeness or accuracy. All posts carry a date of publication that readers should take note of in assessing their usefulness, given that laws and interpretations of them may change over time. Posts predating Jan. 1, 2023, that discuss the California Public Records Act may contain statute numbers no longer in use. Please see this page for a table showing how the California Public Records Act has been renumbered.