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Asked and Answered

CFAC v. Santa Clara County and Critical Infrastructure Information

June 14, 2009


Has there been any appellate court ruling in CFAC v. Santa Clara County? I’m very curious about the Critical Infrastructure Information issue that the County raised in the trial court, having just had my California Public Records Act request to another agency denied on similar grounds.


The Sixth District has just recently issued an order to show cause requesting full briefing and permitting the parties to request oral argument in the GIS basemap case. CFAC’s brief is currently due April 10, the County’s response is due April 30, and under the California Rules of Court, amicus briefs would be due 14 days thereafter, on May 14.  Both parties have requested oral argument, but the Court has not yet set a date for argument.  After oral argument, the court will have 90 days to file its written opinion.

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