Search Results for: net neutrality and FCC

Net neutrality back but faces difficult challenges

The Federal Communications Commission restored Obama-era net neutrality aimed by preventing broadband providers like Verizon or Comcast from blocking or slowing down service to competitors like Netflix or YouTube. The rules make broadband similar to a utility regulated like phones and water. Free speech advocates favor net neutrality as vital to preserving access to the internet. (The New York Times, April 25, 2024, by Cecilia Kang) Eva Dou in The Washington Post, April 25, 2024,

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FOIA: Times prevails in quest for FCC records on net neutrality

A federal district court sided with the New York Times in its Freedom of Information Act request for records relating to fraudulent entries during the public comment period on net neutrality. The court wrote, “If genuine public comment is drowned out by a fraudulent facsimile, then the notice-and-comment process has failed. Disclosing the requested data in this case informs the public understanding of the operations and activities of government in two ways — at the

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Federal appeals court opens door for state sway on net neutrality

The U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia upheld the Federal Communications Commission’s repeal of net neutrality but granted the states the right to pass laws to protect consumers. Five states have passed laws to protect net neutrality, and 34 states have introduced laws. Congress has greater incentive now to pass a new law on net neutrality to bring order across the nation. (CNET, October 2, 2019, by Marguerite Reardon) The EFF is

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Reporter wins settlement over records request concerning fake public comments on net neutrality

The Federal Communications Commission agreed to pay $43,000 for attorney fees and court costs of a New York journalist seeking records on net neutrality proceedings in 2017. The records that reporter Jason Prechtel received under the settlement showed how millions of fake comments were sent to the FCC during the net neutrality rollback. (Gizmodo, March 21, 2019, by Dell Cameron) The New York attorney general’s office is still investigating the case but has already found

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FCC caught in lie over public comment on net neutrality

The Inspector General for the Federal Communications Commission found that there was no denial-of-service attack during the public input before the FCC repealed net neutrality. The incident occurred in May of 2017 after an HBO host urged his audience to submit comments to the FCC supporting neutrality. The audience was blocked from filing comments as the system shut down. The FCC claimed denial-of-service attacks was the cause of the shut down. (Free Press, August 7,

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