Accessing Juvenile Court Records

Accessing Juvenile Court Records

Q: Are state appeal briefs filed by the parties a public record when the case stems from juvenile court?

A: Rule of Court 8.400, which applies to appeals in both dependency and delinquency proceedings under the Welfare and Institutions Code, provides for the confidentiality of the record on appeal and documents filed by the parties.  Under subsection (b)(1) of that rule, such documents “may be inspected only by the reviewing court and appellate project personnel, the parties or their attorneys, and other persons the court may designate.”  (emphasis added).  Thus, although the records are presumptively confidential, you may be able to convince the court that they should be released to you, a member of the press.  See Brian W. v. Superior Court, 20 Cal. 3d 618, 623 (1978); San Bernardino County Department of Public Social Services v. Superior Court, 232 Cal. App. 3d 188, 193-94 (1991) .  To do this, you would probably need to write a letter or file an application with the court.