A&A: Do Other Cities Have Sunshine Ordinance Task Forces as San Francisco Does?

Q: Are there other task forces like the San Francisco Sunshine Task Force in other jurisdictions?

A: Each municipality’s Sunshine Laws, if they have them, are unique, although they often inspire each other.  If you are facing an access issue in a particular area, it is probably best to determine whether the local government has enacted a Sunshine or Open Government Ordinance first.  Then, determine if there is a Task Force or another special appeals process that the local government follows.  To my knowledge, there are no other task forces in the Bay Area and I have not heard of any others in the state.  FAC does have a resource with a list of local Sunshine Ordinances here: https://firstamendmentcoalition.org/california-sunshine-ordinances/. Please note this list may be out of date. 

– Monica Price, FAC legal fellow