Fight for free online access to research gains traction

Activists for a free Internet are rallying in memory of Internet freedom worker Aaron Swartz who committed suicide in January. The activists want scholarly research, much of it funded by the public, made available to the taxpayers. (Los Angeles Times, January 29, 2013 by Jessica Guynn)

A law proposed by Representative Zoe Lofgren (CA-D) of San Jose seeks changes in the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act to protect users who violate private policies in a quest for information. The Electronic Freedom Foundation lays out three elements for reform of computer crime laws: “Computer users must not face criminal liability for violating private agreements, policies, or duties. If a computer user is allowed to access information, simply doing it in an innovative way must not be a crime. Penalties need to be proportionate to computer crime offenses.” (Electronic Freedom Foundation, February 1, 2013, by Cindy Cohn and Marcia Hofmann)

Draft of Aaron’s Law -db