Special District Compliance

Special District Compliance

Q: Which State Agency and/or which State Department oversees, enforce, and/or investigate Special District compliance with California Government Codes:  Mitigation Fess (Sections 66000), Brown Act and Public Records Act?

A: Although special districts must comply with the Brown Act and Public Records Act, I am not aware of any state agency or department that oversees, enforces, or investigates such compliance.  Rights under the Brown Act and Public Records Act can be enforced through court action, see Govt. Code Sections 54960-54960.1 (Brown Act) and 6258 (PRA).

Please note that government oversight and enforcement of state laws on mitigation fees is beyond the scope of the issues to which we can address through this service, which is focused on access to government meetings and records and First Amendment issues.

You might find the attached guide to special districts, published by the Senate Local Government Committee of some interest.