statute of limitations

A&A: What is the Brown Act statute of limitations?

Q:  I was fired a year ago, but I am only now reading that the board violated the Brown Act by not disclosing that my position would be discussed in closed session — 54957. (2) is the violation. I see from your A&A section that there is only only a 90-day window of opportunity to submit a Cure & Correct letter, but I do not see that spelled out in the Brown Act itself. Where

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A&A: Is there a statute of limitations on CPRA cases?

Q: I have read the California Public Records Act and I have been unable to find a statute of limitations. Are you aware of any authorities that indicate how long a plaintiff has to sue under the CPRA? A: The Public Records Act (“PRA” or the “Act”) does not provide for a statute of limitations for filing suit to enforce the provisions of the Act, and it is not entirely clear what statute of limitations

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A&A: Brown Act and statute of limitations

Q: Does an action requesting purely equitable (injunctive) relief for a Brown Act violation have a statute of limitations? A: The statute of limitations for filing a Brown Act action for injunctive relief is quite short.  Please note that before suing for injunctive relief, you are required to make a written demand that the legislative body “cure or correct” the action.  Cal. Gov’t Code section 54960.1(b).  Generally speaking, the demand must be made within 90

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