Obama favors net neutrality, against fast lanes

President Barack Obama again expressed his opposition to preferential treatment for certain websites who could pay providers for faster lanes. He wants the Federal Communications Commission to treat broadband as  a public utility. (GigaOm, October 10, 2014, by Jeff John Roberts)

Obama was careful to say that the FCC was an independent agency not subject to presidential orders. Consumer groups want to preserve net neutrality by granting the FCC more power but broadband providers and Republicans are opposed, arguing that more regulation would stifle growth. (National Journal, October 10, 2014, by Brendan Sasso)

In the meantime, a quirky campaign, Onward Internet, has surfaced, most likely sponsored by a trade group for the telecom industry that opposes the proposal to give the FCC more regulatory power over the Internet. (ProPublica, October 9, 2014, by Robert Faturechi)